Lee Nadine Shares a Youtube Channel With Her Family

TV Lee Nadine isn't new to being in front of a camera. She made YouTube content before going on 'Single's Inferno 2.' Published on January 5, 2023 The Singles Inferno 2 cast comes from all different walks of life before getting onto the Netflix show. There are multiple YouTubers this season, and here is where


Lee Nadine isn't new to being in front of a camera. She made YouTube content before going on 'Single's Inferno 2.'

Published on January 5, 2023

2 min read

The Single’s Inferno 2 cast comes from all different walks of life before getting onto the Netflix show. There are multiple YouTubers this season, and here is where you can find Lee Nadine’s channel.  

[SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers for Single’s Inferno 2 Episode 5.]

What is Lee Nadine’s job?

Singles on Single’s Inferno 2 aren’t allowed to reveal their age, occupation, or location in the inferno. But Nadine finally got to talk about her life in paradise with Shin Dong-woo in episode 5.

She is a 23-year-old pre-med student at Harvard, and her focus is on neuroscience. Nadine also plays soccer and lacrosse.

But that’s not all to Nadine. She modeled in the past, and her picture was used in Sephora. She also makes YouTube content. 

Does Lee Nadine of ‘Single’s Inferno 2’ have a YouTube Channel?

Kim Jin-young revealed he used to be in the military and currently has a YouTube channel. He hopes to include more military content in the future. But he isn’t the only YouTuber in the cast!

Nadine has a channel with her mother, NiMo, and her sister Isabelle. Nadine’s acceptance into Harvard is a video on the channel. Isabelle goes to UPenn. The channel was started two years ago and currently has 236k subscribers. Nadine’s mother wanted to start the channel to capture these moments of their lives.  

In Nadine’s college acceptance video, she says it was the happiest day in her life. “The moment I opened my letters, I was overwhelmed with a lot of emotions, as you will see in the video,” she said. “But definitely one of my happiest moments. I worked so, I worked very hard. I had a very hard time in high school and a very good time in high school. And I think this was just finally me getting the recognition that I wasn’t getting for many years.”

Nadine has also made a “What’s in my bag?” and “A day in the life of a Harvard pre-med student” vlog. She also has a video with Isabelle where they go shopping. Her mother is also interested in fashion. There is a video where she shows her designer pieces to Nadine. The channel’s last video was posted nine months ago.

Will Nadine talk about ‘Single’s Inferno 2’ on YouTube?

There is no mention of Single’s Inferno 2 on the channel yet. But there is a good chance the family will return to discuss it.

Nadine and Isabelle made a video talking about movies they love, like Mean Girls, The Maze Runner, Minari, and more. They have another video to help people pronounce American TV shows that can be found on Netflix.

So they do talk about pop culture. Fans will have to wait and be on the lookout for a video about Nadine’s time on the reality TV show. But for now, they can catch up on the past two years of Nadine’s life on the channel.

